7 Phases of the System Development Life Cycle Guide

Each loop in the spiral structure indicates the Phases of the Spiral model. Flatlogic is an AI-powered platform that enables businesses to create Enterprise Business Apps in just 3 steps. Leverage our web app generator, templates, and customization services, and save over $10,000 while supercharging your business efficiency and growth. Without proper planning, the software may be rushed, inefficient, and lacking the features needed. Furthermore, the software may be challenging to maintain and upgrade, as it was not designed with scalability or extensibility.

list and describe the six phases of the security systems development life cycle

To accomplish this, the SDLC process for system and application deployments
should be clearly defined, with specified and enforced checkpoints that include
security checks before going on to the next project phase. It is far more difficult to
successfully oversee the development process and guarantee that securityrelated
concerns are correctly handled without explicitly applying the SDLC and
delivering the required deliverables. The Agile model has existed for a long time, and still hasn’t lost its punch. Lately, the model is widely adopted by organisations, and it is proven to be quite the driving force behind software development. Some companies see so much value in the model that it is used for other projects, including non-technical projects and activities. If this is done in the production environment, this is usually done by a Quality Assurance professional.

Management and control

Where possible, system or application security testing should be executed using an automated testing tool. This will support the creation of test harnesses and procedures that can be used for regression testing during future enhancements. Information security teams should initiate their own involvement with the project during this phase to ensure that appropriate security concerns have been incorporated into the feasibility study. These are the main six phases of the System Development Life Cycle, and it’s an iterative process for each project. It’s important to mention that excellent communication level should be maintained with the customer, and Prototypes are very important and helpful when it comes to meeting the requirements. By building the system in short iterations; we can guarantee meeting the customer’s requirements before we build the whole system.

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Just as with everything in life, having a plan is better than not having one. The new seven phases of SDLC include planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance. New versions of a software project are produced at the end of each phase to catch potential errors and allow developers to constantly improve the end product by the time it is ready for market. During the system testing phase, information security teams should be heavily involved in reviewing the security tests being written by the project/test team and validating the security testing results. Security teams may also elect to perform a penetration test to validate that the development team did not overlook common security vulnerabilities.

Iterative Model

T’s important that the software overall ends up meeting the quality standards that were previously defined in the SRS document. Defect checking tools should be used to monitor and track identified defects during all testing phases. This provides the basis for making informed decisions regarding the status and resolution of any defects. Continues improvement and fixing of the system is essential, Airbrake provides robust bug capturing in your application. In doing so, it notifies you with bugs instantly, allows you to easily review them, tie the bug to an individual piece of code, and trace the cause back to recent changes. Bringing different components and subsystems together to create the whole integrated system, and then Introducing the system to different inputs to obtain and analyze its outputs and behavior and the way it functions.

list and describe the six phases of the security systems development life cycle

It’s very important to maintain strong communication level with the clients to make sure you have a clear vision of the finished product and its function. After training, systems engineers and developers transition the system to its production list and describe the six phases of the security systems development life cycle environment. That is the release initially positioned as a beta version, and if users (or clients) find errors or a malfunction in individual functional elements in the process of its use, they report them to the developers.

Parallel Test Plan

This high-level description is then broken down into the components and modules which can be analyzed, designed, and constructed separately and integrated to accomplish the business goal. SDLC and SAD are cornerstones of full life cycle product and system planning. Phase 8 of the systems development life cycle is the post-implementation review.

list and describe the six phases of the security systems development life cycle

The first SDLC stage is the analysis of the technical and business requirements imposed on the end product. The definition of detailed requirements will guarantee that the tasks will be set correctly and in practice, you will get exactly what you need. The system development life cycle (SDLC) is a method of ensuring that a new
system or application has acceptable security controls https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ and requirements. These can be solved during the maintenance phase when the whole system is refined to improve performance, or to meet new requirements. Sometimes staff will need additional training to meet this goal, new procedures must be put in place, or updates must be made. The development phase marks the end of the first stage of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


During this step, current priorities that would be affected and how they should be handled are considered. A feasibility study determines whether creating a new or improved system is appropriate. This helps to estimate costs, benefits, resource requirements, and specific user needs.

  • To accomplish this, the SDLC process for system and application deployments
    should be clearly defined, with specified and enforced checkpoints that include
    security checks before going on to the next project phase.
  • Conduct with a preliminary analysis, consider alternative solutions, estimate costs and benefits, and submit a preliminary plan with recommendations.
  • For larger enterprise projects, Waterfall (project development methodology) is a good choice, and for smaller ones, where flexibility comes first – Agile methodologies are preferred.
  • The agile methodology prioritizes fast and ongoing release cycles, utilizing small but incremental changes between releases.
  • It is important to ensure that the development phase is properly managed to ensure the success of the project.
  • It is important to ensure that the project objectives are achievable and that the team has the skills and resources necessary to complete the project on time and within budget.

The SDLC process consists of seven phases, including planning, design, testing, and maintenance. Every phase can be supplemented by various tools to support the phase’s main goal. Besides SDLC, there is another concept that is a cornerstone for the entire lifecycle of product and system planning. Systems Analysis & Design (SAD) is a process during which specific information systems are developed that effectively support hardware, software, or people. The V-model (which is short for verification and validation) is quite similar to the waterfall model.

Agile Crystal Method explained

The project team will also review the feasibility of the project and develop a timeline for completion. In addition, they will identify potential risks and create a risk management plan to mitigate them. The team will also create a cost analysis to determine the estimated cost of the project.

It ensures that the end product is able to meet the customer’s expectations and fits within the overall budget. Hence, it’s vital for a software developer to have prior knowledge of this software development process. It is a process followed for software building within a software organization. SDLC consists of a precise plan that describes how to develop, maintain, replace, and enhance specific software.

SDLC Phases

Finally, the team should create a change management system to ensure that any changes or updates to the software are properly documented and communicated to all stakeholders. This phase is important to ensure that the software is properly maintained and the project is successful. The development phase is where the system or application’s security features are developed, configured and enabled.

list and describe the six phases of the security systems development life cycle






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